
UCLA Covid-19 Signage

Challenge: Develop a comprehensive COVID-19 signage campaign to disseminate frequently evolving campus safety protocols. The campaign’s objective was to enhance awareness of these health measures through the use of creative infographics and UCLA branding to engage students and staff.

Solution: Design a comprehensive and familiar identity that was applied across all campus touchpoints. I collaborated closely with multiple teams and various departments to successfully implement and deploy the numerous signs throughout campus. All graphics were crafted within the established UCLA brand guidelines, utilizing Adobe Illustrator and InDesign by myself.


Covid-19 Signage created for UCLA, University of California Los Angeles as the pandemic developed worldwide, part of the process of preparing campus for a return to on-site work was posting signs with COVID-19 information in UCLA spaces. To help navigate this new environment, Facilities Management printed and installed signage in common/public areas. The signs were designed for the Physical Distancing Working Group under the UCLA Future Planning Task Force. A variety of signs and templates were utilized in this series of health and safety infographics and shared campuswide.

Layout & design in Adobe Indesign and Illustrator, shared as Adobe Acrobat PDF files.

Award accolades:

Association of College and University Housing Officers - International

2nd Place "Crisis Communications" 2020 across all North American Universities [link]